The number of sales declined in May compared to what is typical for this time of year in Metro Vancouver. This shift has allowed the inventory of homes available for sale to continue to accumulate with...
7 Master Bedroom Staging Ideas
As you most likely know, staging involves setting up the furniture, art and accessories of each room to help make your home look as appealing as possible to potential buyers. It’s similar to what furniture...
Home Sweet Smart Home: Automating Your Home Decisions
It’s been long predicted, but the time has finally come when whole-home systems can provide a network to allow the electronic features and fixtures of your home to talk to one another. Often a family’s...
Let the Light Shine In: Home Lighting for Health
Recently, researchers discovered that the lighting in your home can have a much greater impact on your health and well-being than originally thought. Better lighting can boost your energy, increase alertness,...
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